Take care of your cat with a simple diet

Take care of your cat with a simple diet

The diet should be divided according to the cat’s stage of development. Depending on the age, the nutritional content will be changed to best suit the cat’s body. The four main stages of cat growth are as follows:
Newborn cat under 6 weeks old
The kitten is quite small and weak at this time. You need:

Warm up the kitten 24/24 with a cotton towel or a heating lamp.
Breast milk can be replaced with pasteurized milk. Feeding 3-4 times a day, evenly spaced meals.
Mix calcium and cats in milk when feeding kittens. The dosage is about 1/6 tablets / day.
Disinfect a bottle or cylinder with 40 degrees water before mixing the cat’s milk.
Use a soft towel to clean the kitten’s bowel movement.
Kittens between 6 and 10 weeks old
In this stage, kittens travel more quickly and easily. Care is almost the same as a newborn cat. You need to add large amounts of protein to the kittens during this period.

Give the kitten milk twice a day. Mix calcium into milk about 1/8 – 1/6 tablets / day.
Start adding more puree food with pork, fish, chicken.
Avoid giving kittens fish bones, pigs, chickens, …
Bathe once a month, bathe with warm water.
Use a special shower gel for dogs and cats to bathe and treat lice.
Kittens between 3 and 6 months old
At this time, kittens are in the developmental age, starting to have more fleshy skin. Care for kittens at this stage there are many changes to note.

Can wean, feeding with meats and additional nutrients.
Use calcium regularly in the cat diet
Give your cat grain food (mix a little milk if he is not used to nuts)
Prepare another bowl of water next to the eating bowl. Clean these two bowls regularly.
Worming, vaccination against diseases vaccines on the advice of a veterinarian.


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